Monday, 25 July 2016

Θυμάμαι μεγαλώνοντας να με παραξενεύει το γεγονός ότι τα δάκρυα μου ήταν αλμυρά.
Συχνά σκεφτόμουν ότι αφού είχα πικραθεί, ίσως να έπρεπε να ήταν πικρά,
 ή αν έκλαιγα από χαρά, να ήταν γλυκά.
Μετά κατάλαβα γιατί έπρεπε τα δάκρυα μας να είναι αλμυρά...
Ξεχειλίζει η θάλασσα από μέσα μας για να ξεπλύνει τη στεναχώρια.
Πλένεται το πρόσωπό μας με νερό θαλασσινό, 
για να ηρεμήσει η ψυχή μας από το καρδιοχτύπι.
Μόνο ο απέραντος ωκεανός με το γαλάζιο του και την αλμύρα του, 
είναι αρκετά μεγάλος για να χωρέσει είτε τη θλίψη, είτε τη χαρά του ανθρώπου.
Μόνο τα πολυτάραχα κι αεικίνητα νερά της θάλασσας,
 μπορούν να ταυτιστούν με τον εσωτερικό αγώνα της ψυχής μας και να μας εξαγνίσουν.


Sunday, 24 July 2016

for Chrystalleni and the Great Goddess

Great Goddess of sea and earth, 
powerful spirit of the abyss,
I summon thee.
Hear my plea and come forth,
grant me your presence 
and grace me with your charms.
Bestow upon me the gifts of youth and beauty,
give me the power to excite and seduce the object of my desire.
Bathe me in moonlight, cleanse me in water
 and dress me in lace of foam and sand.
Make me an enchantress in your image,
make me a reflection of you,
 whimsical, erotic, mysterious and exotic.

Όταν είναι ενθουσιασμένη, να την αγαπάς πιο πολύ, 
γιατί σημαίνει ότι έχει πάθος μέσα της ακόμα.
Όταν σου μιλάει άκου, όσο ασήμαντο κι αν σου φαίνεται αυτό που λέει, 
για εκείνην είναι σημαντικό και θέλει να το μοιραστεί μαζί σου.
Όταν κλαίει μπροστά σου, το κάνει γιατί έχει ξεχειλίσει το μέσα της 
και θέλει εσύ να της σκουπίσεις τα δάκρυα και να της πεις
ότι αργά ή γρήγορα όλα θα περάσουν, φτάνει που είσαστε μαζί.
Όταν σου ανοίγει τα χέρια της για να σε πάρει αγκαλιά,
μην της γυρίσεις την πλάτη, μην πεις όχι τώρα, μετά.
Έχει κουραστεί μακριά σου, μόνη της, και θέλει
πάλι να αγγίξουν οι καρδιές σας, για να ξαποστάσει
κουρνιάζοντας την ψυχή της στη ψυχή σου.


Έχω κουραστεί να ζητιανεύω το φιλί σου.
Έχω εξαντληθεί ζητώντας σου αγάπη και κατανόηση.
Έχω μαραθεί ποτίζοντάς σε, είσαι σαν άβυσσος που δε μπορώ να γεμίσω.
Έχω στραγγίξει από λέξεις, έχω υπερχειλίσει από δάκρυα,
έχω πνιγεί στην απόρριψη και στην απογοήτευση.
Δεν έχω τίποτα άλλο να πώ, δεν έχω τίποτα άλλο να δώσω.
Έχω αφεθεί στα χέρια σου, πέτα με ή ανάστησε με...


Είναι κάποιες μέρες που νιώθω ότι σε ξεπέρασα και είμαι πια καλά.
Που σε σκέφτομαι χωρίς να δακρύζω, που περιπλανιέσαι στο μυαλό μου
χωρίς να επιβάλλεσαι στη σκέψη μου.
Είναι και κάτι άλλες νύχτες όμως, που νιώθω ότι η απουσία σου
σκίζει το είναι μου, κουρελιάζοντας τη ψυχή μου.
Αυτές τις νύχτες λοιπόν, ουρλιάζω σιωπηλά κοιτώντας τον ουρανό,
παρακαλώντας τη σιωπή να ηχήσει, τη φασαρία του πλήθους
να σιγήσει και τη μορφή σου να αποκαλυφθεί...


Κι όταν έρθει πάλι η στιγμή να βρεθούμε πρόσωπο με πρόσωπο πως θα σε κοιτάξω στα μάτια;
Πώς θα προσποιηθώ ότι ήμασταν κάποτε απλά δύο φίλοι, γνωστοί άγνωστοι, που για κάποιο περίεργο βίτσιο της μοίρας ξανασυναντιούνται κι αναγκάζονται να ανταλλάξουν αμήχανα χαμόγελα,
τυπικές κι ανόητες χειραψίες αντί για πολυπόθητες αγκαλιές; 
Μισό μέτρο το ένα κορμί από το άλλο κι ένας γκρεμός στη μέση. Ψελλίζουμε για λίγο στεγνά τίποτε με πόνο ψυχής και μετά αντίο και πάλι...
Ψηλά το μέτωπο, χαμογέλα... ένα αντίο είναι μόνο, ένα στα τόσα που θα πείς...
Μην κυλίσεις δάκρυ, δεν είναι ώρα για να ξεχειλήσεις καρδιά μου.
Απόψε, απόψε που θα μείνουμε μόνοι μας, τις μικρές ώρες του πρωινού, εγώ, εσύ, 
το φεγγάρι και τ' αστέρια, κύλα...
Γίνε ποτάμι, θάλασσα για να ξεπλύνεις τη μάσκα της ντροπής μου, 
που σ' αρνήθηκα καρδιά μου ότι πόθησες πιο πολύ...


Dreams are like alternative realities, where your mind is free to explore multiple versions of your waking life. It is a limitless universe of questions and answers so very different from your day to day routine and the barriers you put in front  of yourself to stop your mind from wondering. Senses like love, philosophy, your true intentions and wants are revealed. You wake up flabbergasted when these revelations take place. Love: a condition, a sentiment untouched by logic, untamed, difficult to harness, disturbs your everyday functions and leaves you at a loss for words. 
Philosophy: a love of wisdom, a worship of words. What chaos is bestowed upon you when both entities enter your dream realm. It is almost impossible to understand these notions and fully grasp their meaning awake, but in dreams... They have colour, scent, body, sound, taste and passion unlike any waking reality. You trully sense everything for the first time, mind blown, 
trying to take everything in, you sink in the lavish luxuries of timelessness and you are reborn.


Γιατί κουράστηκαν οι λέξεις μάτια μου να τις παιδεύω για χάρη σου.
Να τις ανακατεύω, να τις σβήνω, να τις βάζω σε σειρά,
να τις μουτζουρώνω ξανά και ξανά.
Κουράστηκαν να σου πλάθουν εικόνες κι εσύ να γυρνάς απ' την άλλη,
να σου απαγγέλουν ποιήματα, κι εσύ να κλέινεις τα αυτιά.
Κάπως έτσι άδοξα λοιπόν, εγκαταλείπω τις λέξεις και φλερτάρω με τη σιωπή.
Αφού οι λέξεις μου δεν ήταν αρκετές για να σαγηνεύσουν τα χείλη σου,
αρκέσου τώρα στη σιγή και νιώσε τη γεύση ενός φιλιού που δε δόθηκε ποτέ...


Each persons happiness is not defined  by external theories and values imposed on him, but from internal struggles fought and won. Truth and honesty are indeed real virtues, but they are very much like the summer sun,  we all wish its' presence, although we can't stand it for long.
I march forward, looking back like a free slave. There is no demon more dangerous than the one disguised as an angel, constantly  following you, watching your every move. A demon so dark that conquered and humiliated the light.  The past and the future both connected by the present, such a short distance between the two and yet it feels so far. A mere step for the mind, a gaping chaos for the lost voice. The only bridge over the gap, a bottomless abyss, lit by such a strange light that makes darkness even more terrifying. Frozen, I stare down at the void, close my eyes and jump...


Saturday, 23 July 2016

Λένε, ότι στα παιδιά σου πρέπει να αφήνεις ρίζες
 για να κρατηθούν και φτερά για να πετάξουν.
Μεγάλωσα πια....
Μαμά, οι ρίζες μου είναι ρηχές, δε με κρατάνε...
Μπαμπά, τα φτερά μου είναι μικρά και μαδημένα,
δε μπορώ να πετάξω...
Κι έτσι έμεινα εδώ, σε ένα δικό μου καθαρτήριο,
χωρίς να έχω κάπου να στηριχτώ, κι ανίκανη να φύγω.
Δέντρο χωρίς ρίζες και πουλί χωρίς φτερά, σε τι μέλλον να ελπίζει;
Αιωρούμαι στην αβεβαιότητα, πεπεισμένη να ριζώσω βαθύτερα,
προσπαθώντας να πετάξω ψηλότερα, έτσι λειψή όπως είμαι,
για να σου δείξω... για να μου αποδείξω,
 ότι θα γίνω ότι καλύτερο μπορώ μόνη μου.
Κι ας σου φαίνεται... κι ας μου φαίνεται αδύνατο...


The sea is calm, the water's clear.
A gentle breeze embraces your senses.
Dark blue horizons wreathed with red sunsets,
invite you to a feast of colours.
The constant flowing mouvement of the sea,
combined with the restlessness of the deep underwater currents,
set my mind in motion.
It is impossible to ignore the dazzling beauty of light
dancing on the seas' mirrory surface.
Reflections play tricks on my imagination,
the clouds create illusions of your presence.
I am at a loss for words in front of natures greatness,
I am a pilgrim of the untamed.


Stars play hide and seek tonight behind the clouds.
The moon dressed in a thin translucent veil watches silently.
A light whisper coming from the trembling tree leaves caresses my ears.
Time stands still and my thoughts linger in the air around me like short movie clips.
You are framed by sunlight, as swirls of aromatic smoke crown you.
The picture frame fades, it disappears in the nights shadows
and i am left haunted by memories of you.


Σε ψάχνω συνεχώς στους στίχους, στις λέξεις,
 σε κάθε γωνιά του μυαλού μου, σε κάθε χαραμάδα της ψυχής μου.
Ο ήχος, το χρώμα της φωνής σου, ξεθωριασμένη ανάμνηση πια,
τα λόγια σου όμως, δε μπορώ να τα λησμονήσω.
Μου λείπεις....
Πολύ λίγο σε είχα, αλλά συνδέθηκα μαζί σου με έναν τρόπο μοναδικό.
Ένα κομμάτι μου ζεί μέσα σου κι αυτό πονάει, πονάει γιατί εσύ δε μου άφησες ένα δικό σου.
Και τώρα πια, εγώ θα ζω πάντα με ένα κένο, που δε θα μπορεί κανείς να το γεμίσει.
Θα μπορούσα να σε μισήσω γι' αυτό αλλά δε μπορώ.
 Δεν έχω μίσος για κανέναν, πόσο μάλλον για 'σένα.
Δε θα σταματήσω ποτέ να σε αναζητώ.
 Έχω μέσα μου μια κρυφή ελπίδα πλημμυρισμένη με φως, 
ότι αν δε σε βρώ σ'αυτή τη ζωή, ίσως να συναντηθούμε σε μιαν άλλη, καλύτερη.
Καλύτερη, γιατί ίσως τότε να μπορέσουμε να είμαστε μαζί.


Κι αφού δε γνωριστήκαμε ποτέ,
κι αφού τα μονοπάτια μας δε συναντήθηκαν,
ας παραμείνουμε ανεκπλήρωτοι έρωτες.
Χείμαρροι που έσβησαν την άνοιξη,
άνθη που δεν άντεξαν τη μανία του ανέμου,
πουλιά που δεν πέταξαν ποτές...


The spring air is intoxicating. The sun gently warms your skin, a light breeze makes the tree leaves shiver and the flowers tremble, as the atmosphere fills with distinct scents of peony, freesia and carnation. The Seine flows lazily, the water shimmers and glows, reflecting playfully chestnut trees and willows on its' mirrory surface. Fresh baguettes, croissants and coffee complete the aromas of the morning and the bell towers of Notre Dame resonate throught the city. I can never get enough of this city. Art is present everywhere dominating all of your senses. The smells, the sounds the tastes, the visions of beauty, the feel of each limestone, the silkness of every flower, the velvety taste of deep red wine. My soul only rests in Paris, it is where I belong.


A random stranger once told me that no one is happy in their own country. I thought at the time that he was right. People have the tendency to fall in love with moments of happiness. Since most of your every day life takes place usually, at your home country, where do the memorable moments take place? On holiday? Abroad? I think I loved my home town more when i was showing it to you. Maybe it has to do with my profession, being able to excite my audience and create new experiences for them. Maybe it was just two people relating and connecting on the same plane of thought. Maybe it was beacause I felt like you knew exactly what I wanted to say, what I felt. Maybe it is possible for two minds to intertwine, outside the tangible boundaries of a body, out of the conventionality of time and space. Maybe true happiness is hidden in fond memories that forge bonds in order to be able to transcend colliding realities.


I go about my daily tasks mechanically,
 never really concentrating completely since you distract me persistently.
Your eyes pop to mind and i forget my desiganted task.
Your crooked smile makes me smile to myself.
Your words wake my chaotic mind from its' quiet slumber.
You appear in my glass of wine, reflecting my most intimate thoughts.
You accompany my secret desires, you know before i know. 
You have branded my soul with your presence and now I am never alone.


Flickering candlelight, summer nights breeze, the city vibrates with rhythmic sounds.
An old record player echoes in the backround, smoke rises from your mouth.
Burgundy shaded wine in a bottle between us, fills the air with scents of matured grapes and earthy tones of oak. Lipstick stains on my glass, same colour as the wine, droplets of moisture on yours.
And the conversation flows, like an intoxicating velvety drink and everything feels so familiar and easy, as if we are exactly where we were supposed to be.


Cloaked in moonlight, I slip through the shadows trying to find pieces of me.
I am made by the traces and bits left behind by the people of my life.
My exterior is made of the ones who manipulated me, belittled me, took advantage of me. 
These are the bits that made me stronger with every blow.
 My interior is made by the shattered heart pieces given to me by the people who believed in me, trusted me and loved me. These shards of kindness I keep in my own segmented heart, these particles of goodness mend my broken spirit. One of these pieces, came from you and one of mine you will always carry in you.


Constant noise, incoherent speech, aimless babbling,
chattering, non-circumstantial phrases clutter my mind.
Useless and consistant uniform nonsense, no one is looking to
add meaning or importance to what they are expressing.
Dry sentences deprived of sentiment dominate our idiom.
And yet, my language has an abundance of words and senses,
which only a chosen few can hear and understand.

I am not one for frivolous chats.
 I need phrases that form beauty,
I need sentences that disperse the darkness,
 I need chaste speech to redeem me of my sins.


What more is truth than what you are afraid to admit to yourself.
Your conscience dictates what is true and reason clouds your innate judgement.
The truth is burried, laying sluggishly, under many layers of logic
 and different shades of common sense. 
And yet the might of your will does not want to let her rest, 
something indefinite inside you wakes and calls her to rise.
But as she stirs, fear sets in and you hurriedly  bury her again.
The way towards the light is imminent, she will set a course
and immerse again leaving you stunned by her presence.
Your conscience will prevail and you will be bathed in light,
purified, you will return to where your soul longs to be.


I wish for a sound to disrupt the silence.
I wish for lightning to strike the darkness.
I wish for a gust of wind to swirl the fallen leaves.
I wish for a drop to ripple the motionless waters of a lake.
I wish for an eclipse so that the sun may kiss the moon.
I wish for a word from you to give meaning to my thoughts.


All the revolutions of my riddled spirit stir simultaneously, 
creating a whirlpool of thoughts that threatens to devour me.
I hold on to memories like one would hold on for dear life.
You struck a chord in me I never knew existed and just as you did,
you almost instantly fell into quiet stillness.
Now, my sole refuge in space and time is found in verse.
I send poetry through the void of existence, waiting for a reply 
from a universe that does not include you anymore...


I do not ask of you the moon,
it is to be admired as is.
I do not want pledges of eternal love,
for i know that they fade when spoken
instead of being felt silently.
The mere thought  of immortality is futile
and yet when it comes to poetry,
 it seems to be the only way to reach it.
So, let this be my only request:
Speak to me through verse and let us touch eternity.


Tight ropes encircle me, pulling me in a breathless embrace.
I hide in the dark accepting my fate.
You linger in the shadows, your presence soothes me.
I'm bound by words and actions are impossible.
I pray to darkness to cover my flaws.
I tremble faced with the possibility of light.
I choose candlelight, is always more gracious than
 the revealing stone cold truth of sunlight.
I don't suffer in obscurity, in darkness I conceal my mischief,
I feel at ease.
Virtue lies in the shadows of light and words are my glow.


I'm a dancer with no music,
a musician with no notes,
a singer with no voice.

I'm an actor with no play,
a writer with no words,
an artist with no soul.

Abandoned by music, deprived of a voice, 
lost without text, interaction seems impossible,
still i try.

I try with no soul to breathe life into you,
to give you words, music, a voice.
Speak, sing, dance, write!
Express yourself, don't withdraw, don't hide...

I am here, pouring myself into you day after day.
Let  motion lift you and emotion fill you,
be what you feel you need to be, 
no restrictions, no limits... Be.


Thursday, 21 July 2016

Η καρδιά μου, είναι λιοντάρι της ερήμου που βρυχάται κλεισμένο σε κλουβί.
Η ψυχή μου, είναι φυλακισμένος που περιμένει την εκτέλεσή του
 και χτυπά το τσίγκινο πιάτο του στα κάγκελα του κελιού του με μανία για να ακουστεί.
Το μυαλό μου βυθισμένο σε λήθαργο, πνίγει το θόρυβο,
 αρνούμενο να παραδεχτεί την εξέγερση που σιγοβράζει.
Καρδιά μου βρυχήσου δυνατότερα, Ψυχή μου φώναξε ώσπου να μην μπορείς άλλο.
Μυαλό μου ελευθερώσου, ανοίξου, άκου τους βρυχηθμούς και τις κραυγές.
Πεθαίνεις! Γλυστράς αναπόφευκτα σε μια άβυσσο από:
 "είναι εντάξει", "δε με νοιάζει","δεν πονάει"...
Νιώσε αυτό που συμβαίνει μέσα σου, άστην καρδιά σου να μιλήσει,
την ψυχή σου να αποκαλυφθεί, το πνεύμα σου να μεσουρανήσει.
Νιώσε κι επιτέλους ζήσε ελεύθερος...

My heart is a desert lion roaring in a cage.
My soul, a prisonner on death row, 
clanging his plate on his cell bars in order to be heard.
My mind, deeply lethargic drowns up the noise from both,
refusing to admit there is a riot brewing.
Heart roar louder, Soul scream until breathless.
Mind, free yourself, open up, listen to the roars and screams.
You are dying! Inevitably slipping in an abyss of: 
"It's ok", "I don't care", "No it doesn't hurt"...
Feel what is going on inside you, let your heart speak,
your soul reveal, your spirit soar.
Feel and finally be free...


Humans suffer from both knowledge and oblivion simultaneously,
 never being able to completely conquer either. 
They strife for self-discovery and in the end, 
it remains a mystery for most and an endless torture for others.
 The path of a righteous man, always takes a toll on his psyche.
His body wares sooner and the Eons are harder on him than on anyone else.
You see, when malice assimilates the reaction of virtue,
 then it continues it's work undisturbed, since it cannot be taken aback anymore.
That is why sin has only a beginning and never an end.


Your words haunt me. 
At night, when the world is silent and still,
your voice travels through time and space,
 violently piercing my quiet and stagnant thoughts.
Your image instantly swallows my reflections like quicksand
 and my soul like the rising of the tides
 immerses completely in an eternal discussion with you.
Out of time and space, with no physical barriers between us,
 our minds connected, tangled and intertwined converse. 
No notion is too small, no word meaningless. 
Everything makes sense with you, all the broken secrets of the occult are revealed,
 forming a universal truth that embraces and encompasses us.
 Out of time and space, in a place that only exists in poetry, that's where we meet.


Delirious ghosts haunt my routine.
Random notions pop into mind,
 forming segmented ideas refusing to materialise.
No coherent words, no real sounds, 
only a blurred image of a vague conclusion.
Wandering, lost and befuddled, in an ocean of shatterd expectations 
and sharp truths, I gasp for air.
The blackness of the abyss, like a sirene, taunts me...
and the skies are grey and gloomy with no promise of rain any more.
I lay motionless in the staleness of chaos, waiting for a ripple in time... 


The heart of the city beats tediously, stale and stagnant, under heavy grey skies she sleeps.
Monotony. A constant thumping sound coming from roadwork, the rhythmic honking of cars in the background, bustling people... noise clouds my mind.
Slow nonchalant walking, a soulless continuous forward movement.
Scents of smoke from nearby bars stifle me. 
The cobbled streets look dull and static under the crescent moon tonight.
The city slumbers like a hibernating bear waiting for spring... and I...
I move onwards, straining not to look back,
 following an invisible rope through a maze of people, trying to find a reflection of you.


I dreamed of a story so real, it was impossible to be a dream.
When I woke up, the pounding of my broken heart felt very real.
I was gasping for air.
I dreamed that "you" and "I" were a "we" 
and the joy of it was so substantial, almost tangible.
I was woken abruptly by banging sounds coming from the street.
I got up and walked towards the window. 
The garbage truck was passing by. 
The streets were shimmering after the rain
 and the lamp posts had glowing halos around them.
I was cold, my eyes swelled up.
 It felt so real and then suddenly,
 I was alone once more...


For we will die wanting in a world of abundance...

Θα πεθάνουμε στερημένοι από συναισθήμα σ' έναν κόσμο αφθονίας αγαθών...


Next time i fall in love,
i don't know if it will be with you.
I saw the cracks on your heart and tried to heal them,
but you are like an abyss i cannot fill.

Secluded and afraid, you 've sheltered your soul in such a way,
that no one can really get to know you completely.
Only a drop of your ocean is felt, only a ray of your sun can be seen,
only a spark of your flame can be real.

Next time i fall in love,
i don't know if it will be with you.
Maybe in a different life, in a parallel universe,
we will meet again and maybe this time it will be real...


I don't want to defend myself anymore.
I walked down different paths of thought, 
through waterless deserts and no man's lands.

As of now, I will only walk to the rhythm of your heart,
through the sea that is your passion.
Revelling in the waves of your emotions,
drowning in the abyss of your ocean.

And when your words burn my heart and start a fire within me,
I will bask in the warmth of your heat and let your flames take over me.

We will be silent thunders,
lightnings under water.


Wednesday, 20 July 2016

If a moment could last an eternity, 
i would choose to spend a few moments with you...

Αν μια στιγμή μπορούσε να κρατήσει μία αιωνιότητα,
τότε θα διάλεγα να περάσω μερικές στιγμές μαζί σου...


If missing you is my only sin,
let the light of your presence wash away the darkness of my shame.

If missing you is my downfall,
let your smile be my reason to get up and rise again.

If your abscence is my death,
let your touch bring me to life once more.


She  was the kind of person that could kiss you with her eyes and hug you with a smile.

Sous les surfaces rigides de nos personalités, les bateaux de nos pensées se noient écrasés, par les vagues insurmontables de nos sentiments, sur les rochers pointus de nos volontés.

Κάτω από τις τραχιές επιφάνειες των προσωπικοτήτων μας, 
τα πλοία των σκέψεων μας πνίγονται συνθλιμμένα από τα αξεπέραστα κύμματα
 των συναισθημάτων μας, πάνω στα μυτερά βράχια των θέλω μας.


I always grow, I always change, I never cease to transform,
my mind is pure, my soul is evergreen.

I am  like the rivers' waters, always flowing, always clear, never stagnant.
Never the same forever moving, forever wondering.

My mind and soul are always searching, always thirsty for more,
desiring passion and lust, an endless and restless love.


I am a broken compass.
North, South, East and West are all lost to me.
My niddle pontlessly turning, never stopping, 
I am aimlessly wandering with no sense of direction.

I am in desperate need of guidance, I need to set a course.
I have no destination, no orientation, no map to show me where to go.

I want you back, I need you to be my North, my East, my South, my West,
because without you my One, I will never find rest.


Your absence leaves me with a gaping hole in my chest.
Your voice is a divine melody that calms the demons stirring inside me.
Your words are the missing pieces of my shattered heart.


Η απουσία σου με αφήνει με μια τεράστια τρύπα στο στέρνο.
Η φωνή σου είναι η θεία μελωδία που ηρεμεί τους δαίμονες που αναμοχλεύουν μέσα μου.
Οι λέξεις σου είναι τα χαμένα κομμάτια της θρυμματισμένης καρδιάς μου.


I longed for a word, a whisper.
The darkness of your silence to disperse by the light of your voice...

Ποθούσα μια σου λέξη, ένα ψίθυρο.
Το σκοτάδι της σιωπής να διαλυθεί από το φως της φωνής σου...


Where angels are born,
that's where i'll be waiting for you.
With arms wide open, to embrace you, to feel you,
to console you, to love you again.

Where the clearest water flows,
that's where i'll be waiting for you.
To cleanse you, to purify you, to sanctify you.

Where the purest light shines,
that's where i'll be waiting for you.
To adore you, to worship you, to glorify you.

Where angels are born, i will be forever waiting.


Εκεί που γεννιούνται οι άγγελοι, εκεί θα σε περιμένω.
Με τα χέρια ανοιχτά, να σ' αγκαλιάσω, να σε νιώσω, 
να σε παρηγορήσω, να σ'αγαπήσω ξανά.

Εκεί που ρέει το καθαρότερο νερό, εκεί θα σε περιμένω.
Να σε πλύνω, να σ' εξαγνίσω, να σε καθαγιάσω.

Εκεί που λάμπει το αγνότερο φως, εκεί θα σε περιμένω.
Να σ'αγαπήσω, να σε λατρέψω, να σε δοξάσω.

Εκεί που γεννιούνται οι άγγελοι, εκεί θα σε περιμένω.
Για πάντα...


In one kiss you will feel everything i have not shown.
In one kiss you will sense all the feelings i have hidden from you.

In one kiss you will love all that i have adored.
In one kiss i will reveal everything i long for, live for, breathe for...

Σ' ένα φιλί θα νιώσεις όλα όσα δεν έδειξα.
Σ' ένα φιλί θα ζήσεις όλα τα συναισθήματα που σου έκρυψα.
Μ' ένα φιλί θα σου αποκαλύψω όλα όσα νιώθω, ζώ, αναπνέω κι αγαπώ...


My soul is bared,
my heart exposed,
my memory swirls with images of you.

I long for oblivion,
a moments rest,
my thoughts to cease,
i wish... 
