Thursday, 5 December 2019

I have often wished I were able to take you on long journeys around the globe,
to create such wonderful memories with you, that would be strong enough to
erase everything that ever hurt you, moments that would help you feel whole again
and mend the broken parts of you that still stir inside,
reminding you of painful thoughts, otherwise buried and forgotten.

I wish I could show you the most bewildering places in the world, the most enchanting forests,
tame the wildest seas, marvel at the most stunning sunsets, talk until the break of dawn,
unveiling the secrets of love and life, satisfying the insatiable wanderlust, that is such a big part of our existence and be lost in each other without never wanting to be found outside one another again.

I only have myself to offer, words to help me paint the most magical sceneries for you,
sentences to take you along the most fascinating travels my imagination and experiences
can lead you to, i can give you sensory adventures through smell touch and taste like only I can create.
So love me like only you know how and let me love you like only I can love you
and let our essences intertwine conjuring an ethereal matter out of our purest emotions for one another.